
Welcome to the world of David Jordan!

David is a writer from Cork, Ireland and he specializes in fantasy fiction. Not swords and sorcery type fiction but more original and thought provoking stories with an emphasis on Irish Mythology, especially in a modern context. David has a broad range of influences, from James Joyce and WB Yeats to Neil Gaiman and Clive Barker. 

He began writing in earnest when he was aged about forty, self-publishing four works of fiction and a book of verse. You can find out more about these books at his amazon author page.

The last two novels David wrote were accepted by two presses: Vulpine and Beul Aithris. After the Táin is published by Vulpine and is an original story about the legendary Irish hero, Cú Chulainn, who drinks mind altering milk from the teats of a mysterious, magical heifer. Hyperboreans is published by Beul Aithris and is about an astral pub crawl through Cork city in the 90s. 

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